The Larry Studebaker Memorial/Miami SWCD Scholarship is offered for the purpose of continuing higher education at a two- or four-year college or university, the criteria for applying is YOU:

  1. Must be a Miami County, Ohio resident.
  2. Must be an Agriculture or Natural Resources major.
  3. Must be enrolled for Fall Quarter/Semester of 2025.
  4. MAY be a one-time prior Miami SWCD scholarship recipient.

CONDITIONS OF THE SCHOLARSHIP – The award will be used towards the student’s tuition and fees and will be processed through the scholarship office of the chosen school.

WHERE AND HOW TO APPLY. All items below are required so please SEND –

  1. Completed application along with
  2. High school or College transcript and
  3. Three (3) letters of recommendations from three (3) references listed on the application form to:

Miami SWCD Scholarship Committee, 1330 N. County Road 25A; Suite C, Troy, Ohio 45373.