Technical Assistance Offered by Miami SWCD
In an effort to promote conservation, Miami SWCD provides technical and informational assistance to Miami County residents. Through our own resources and through partnerships with local, state and federal organizations and agencies, we deliver information on soil formation, soil erosion, water resources, wildlife habitat, pond construction and management, resource conservation, recycling, geology, tree and ground cover planting, watersheds and wetlands.

Land Management
Site Investigations
Staff is available to meet with landowners to investigate the need for establishment of best management practices (BMP). These BMP’s will address soil and water conservation concerns, such as soil erosion and drainage.
Filter Strips
A strip or area of vegetation for removing sediment, organic matter, and other pollutants from runoff and waste water before they reach water bodies or water sources such as wells.
Windbreak Establishment
Multiple rows of trees and shrubs are planted to protect areas from wind and provide food and cover for wildlife. Windbreaks can be used around field borders, farmsteads, and/or livestock feedlots.
Soils Information
Soils information is available through the Miami County Soil Survey. The Soil Survey information includes a general soil map, use and management of the soils, descriptions of the soils, formation and classification of the soils, and the general nature of the county. Individual soil map sheets are available. Staff is available to provide soils information as documented in the Miami County Soil Survey.
Nutrient Management
Applying the correct amount and form of plant nutrients for optimum yield and minimum impact on water quality.
Soil Testing
The Miami SWCD does not provide soil testing. Click here for more information on soil testing and to find a testing agency.
Conservation Programs
Conservation Financial Assistance Programs
Farmland Preservation
Miami County, Ohio landowners who want to preserve their farmland can sell their development rights to the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) through the Clean Ohio Agricultural Easement Purchase Program. This is a voluntary program that allows the current owners to continue to own the land as well as preserve the productivity of the farm for future generations.
A landowner who is interested in preserving their farmland will need to have a local sponsor in order to apply for the program. A local sponsor could either be the Miami County Board of Commissioners, Board of Township Trustees, Municipal Officials, Land Trust, or the Miami Soil and Water Conservation District. The local sponsor will submit an application to the Ohio Department of Agriculture on the landowner’s behalf. If accepted into the program, the easement for the land will be jointly held by the local sponsor and the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
Visit the Ohio Farmland Preservation website here or contact our office for more information.
Conservation Farm Planning
Staff is available to work with landowners in developing a total resource conservation plan for your farm. The planning process takes an inventory of all the resources on your farm and then considers which soil conservation, water quality, wildlife habitat and energy conservation practices would contribute to your farm environmentally and economically.

FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Maps)
USGS (United States Geological Survey) – 1973
NWI (National Wetland Inventory) – 1995
Aerial Photos

Photo years available for review at Miami SWCD:
1940, 1949, 1957, 1963, 1973, 1983
Or, visit the Miami County Auditor website.
To view properties go to top right of the page and add info to Property Search: Parcel, Owner, or Address. Once the property list loads, click on the desired parcel number and then click the Map This Property icon in the top right of the page.